Dedicated to oldschool toyota's.
This site is brand spankers and currently being developed into an information highway for
the modification, restoration and thrash...err driving of oldskool rwd toyota's.
There will be a transition period of hopefully only a few months till november '04 where
i'll be able to move from my old site "marks
corolla site" to and further develop it into an informative and
pictorial oldskool emporium. The new domain and webserver will allow us to increase
the amount of content it has so we can now expand from not only covering my own projects
and toy-crazyness... but to feature anyone's rides world wide along with plenty more tech
articles, gallery content, links and most likely some vids. So with the help of good
friend Tup and hosting by WebDrive we'll have a much bigger and better site to help more
enthusiasts in the world of oldskool toyota's. -Mark (aka AE25)
Click here for the
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